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How the connected customer will impact on your business

Apr. 18, 2017

How the connected customer will impact on your business

Everyone will be impacted by the world becoming more connected; customer and company.

It’s no surprise that we are in the era of the connected customer, where consumers are connected to the internet pretty much all the time. We can now do more with our smartphones than ever before, and with that, the expectations for a business to complement these technological demands are soaring. According to a recent study via SalesForce, sixty-four percent of consumers expect companies to respond and interact with them in real time.

Today's customers expect an easy customer experience in person, but also one on their smartphones and devices.

Has your company adopted a strategy to keep your consumers connected, or is this a long-term goal you’re working towards? Share your experiences in the comments and be sure to read the full article from Forbes magazine for more insights at the link below.