
Rogers Xfinity Streaming

Watch the top streaming apps in one spot on us for 24 months with the 1G internet plan or higher plan, $5/month after.

Easily find and watch the content you love

Rogers Xfinity Voice Remote icon.

Super simple streaming

Watch what you love faster with voice search and pre-loaded apps

TV icon.

All in one place

All your favourite apps, shows and movies together in one convenient place

TV and mobile device icon.

Personal profiles

Create personal profiles to resume shows and movies right from the home screen

Stream your apps on the big screen

Search all your streaming services using voice commands.

Apple TV+
Prime Video
TV screen with a Rogers Xfinity Streaming interface.


Live TV & Netflix. Just $25/mo!

Watch 40+ live TV channels & Netflix Standard with ads at home or on the go.

Get your game on with Sportsnet+

Stream the NHL, MLB, NBA and enjoy nonstop sports coverage with Sportsnet+ in the Sportsnet app.

Just sign in or subscribe from your Rogers Xfinity Stream Box.

Rogers Xfinity Gateway modem with the Stream Box and Voice Remote.

Rogers Xfinity Streaming on us

Stream your favourites on us for 24 months with 1G Internet or higher.

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Disney+ shows.

Get more with Rogers Xfinity TV

Discover endless entertainment. Disney+ Standard with Ads is now included with select TV bundles.

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