When will I be prompted for two-step verification?
My Rogers and My Shaw detect when signing in with a new browser or device and prompt for additional verification. Additionally, you may be prompted to enter a verification code when making certain changes in My Shaw or if your session has expired.
Can I use a landline to receive my one-time passcode (OTP) for MFA?
You’ll need a mobile phone number that can receive text messages to use MFA.
Can I use an international cellular number for MFA?
You’ll need a Canadian mobile phone number that can receive text messages to use MFA.
Will I be charged for using MFA?
Standard messaging and data rates may apply. Please refer to your mobile plan for more information.
Do I require both an email address and mobile phone number to use MFA?
How does MFA protect my account from cyber threats?
Multi-factor verification is a security measure that prevents unauthorized attempts on your MyRoers or MyShaw account. MFA reduces the risk of another person accessing your My Shaw account, even if they know your password. If you receive a text message or an email with a verification code, but you didn't request it, this could be a hacker's attempt. You shouldn't accept any unaccepted verification requests.
What if my multi-factor authentication doesn't work?
You can select ‘Resend Verification Code’ on the pop-up page that requests verification. We recommend adding both text (SMS) and email to verify your identity. This means if you can't receive a code via text (SMS), you'll have the option to get the code via email.