Use the following instructions to activate or deactivate Voicemail on your Shaw home phone.
To deactivate Voicemail for your Shaw Home Phone:
- Visit the My Shaw at and log in.
- Click on My Services > Phone from the menu at the top.
- Under Manage settings, click the Manage button beside Voicemail settings.
- The Manage Voicemail Settings window is displayed. Click the On button to toggle the switch to Off.
Voicemail will then be deactivated and you will not receive any new messages. The phone will continue to ring until you answer the call instead of forwarding to a Voicemail greeting. Deactivating will not erase your personalized greeting or messages currently in your Voicemail Inbox.
To re-activate Voicemail on your Shaw Home Phone, simply log back into My Shaw and toggle the switch back to On.
To learn more about the other features you are able to configure through My Shaw, please refer to: Shaw Phone Portal Advanced Settings