
How to access Voicemail via My Shaw

This article will help you learn how to access and listen to your Voicemail using My Shaw.  My Shaw allows direct access and control over the voicemail messages you receive, as well as any of the more advanced features included with your specific phone package.

With My Shaw, you can view the details of your Shaw services and manage your account features, including resetting your password, viewing and paying your bills, checking your Internet usage, and much more. For more information, sign in or create an account

Accessing your Voicemail in My Shaw

To access your voicemail in My Shaw, please visit http://my.shaw.ca and log in or register for a new account if you have not done so before.

Listening to your voicemails

Upon logging in to My Shaw, click on My Services and choose Phone from the menu at the top. You will see the following Voicemail Inbox screen. Please see the included image for additional information concerning the various elements of the Voicemail Inbox screen:

  1. Click the Play button next to a voicemail message to play it. A bar will appear to indicate playback progress.
  2. Click the box to the right of one or more messages for additional options. You may Download, Archive or Delete messages.
  3. Next to the Inbox tab, you will also see a tab labelled as Archive. When you archive a voicemail message, it will be stored in this tab for 60 days.