
Interference and Noise Affecting the Shaw Network

Interference to the Shaw network (noise) can come from some third-party equipment, damaged infrastructure, or other invasive signals. To combat noise on the Shaw network, we track down the source of the interference and take action to ensure our services are the best they can be in your neighbourhood. 

Received a tag about noise on your door? We're here to help, contact us to schedule a repair.

The impacts of interference and "noise"

Noise is any interfering signal that is impacting the Shaw network. Noise can impact speeds and connectivity for both your home and others in your neighbourhood. 

We try and resolve interference as quickly as possible to not interrupt services for the neighbourhood. If noise is found leaking from your home we may have to take immediate action to avoid an impact to the greater area. This may include limiting or disconnecting your Shaw services until we can repair the source of the problem.

What to do if you've received a notification about "noise"

If you were out when we identified interference coming from your home, we may have limited or disconnected your Shaw services. Contact us and we'll send a complimentary technician to repair the source of the interference.

Once the interference is resolved, there will likely be an increase in your internet speed. 

Frequently asked questions

My services were turned off because of "noise", will I get a credit?

We will credit you for the length of time your services were turned off. 

My services are still active but there was a tag left on my door about "noise." Do I need to do anything?

We sometimes reduce interference by limiting the speed of your services. You will need to contact us to allow us to fully resolve the issue and get your services back to full speed.


Why do you think there's interference coming from my home?

This may not have been caused by anything you did, or that you're even aware of. Something has changed and it is now impacting the network inside and outside your home, and we've tracked it back to your address. The good news is that we're here to help resolve it.

Is anyone else in my neighbourhood affected?

Our monitoring systems trigger an alarm when interference impacts a certain threshold of multiple customers. The entire neighborhood connected to your portion of Shaw's network will be equally impacted, which is why we need to resolve the issue.

How long will it take to fix? Do I need to pay to have this fixed?

We will come as soon as possible, for free. When you call us, you will be able to choose a two-hour arrival window that works with your schedule.