Find frequently asked questions about how your devices work with the Rogers Xfinity App (formerly known as the Ignite HomeConnect App).
Rogers Xfinity FAQ - Devices
Device FAQs
Learn more about managing your devices with Rogers Xfinity with these frequently asked questions.
Why am I not seeing some or all of my devices in the Devices section of Rogers Xfinity?
This might happen if a device is not properly connected to your home network. If you've recently activated your XB6 modem (or changed your WiFi name/password), make sure you've connected all of your wireless devices using your new WiFi name and password.
I don't recognize the names of all the devices listed. How can I identify them?
The default name of a device will be either the manufacturer-set name (i.e., hostname or MAC address) or the one you gave your device when you first set it up.
First, try to identify your device based on the manufacturer name which is displayed within the technical details. Go to the Devices section. Select a device in the list, and then Device Details, to see the manufacturer. If the device is connected to your home network, there should be a green dot indicating that it's online which may also help with identifying what device it is.
If you still can't identify your device, you'll need to access the hostname or MAC address in your device's settings. If the default name that is displayed is a long string of numbers and letters, it's likely the MAC address. Below are the steps to find the MAC address for common devices:
Apple Devices
- Open the Settings menu by selecting the gear icon.
- Select General.
- Select About.
- Locate the MAC address in the WiFi Address field.
Android Devices
- Open the Settings menu by selecting the gear icon.
- Select About Phone.
- Select Status.
- Locate the MAC address in the WiFi MAC Address field.
Macintosh/Apple (OSX)
- Select the Spotlight icon in the top-right corner of the screen and type Network Utility in the Spotlight Search field.
- From the list, select Network Utility.
- Within the Info tab, find the network interface drop-down.
- If your device is connected to your Wireless Gateway using a cable, select Ethernet.
- If your device is connected wirelessly, select AirPort/Wi-Fi.
- Locate the MAC address in the Hardware Address field.
Windows PC
- Select the Start (Windows) button. In the search bar, type CMD and press Enter.
- Note: If you are a Windows 8 or 10 user, you can find this option by going to the right sidebar and searching for Command Prompt.
- A Command Prompt window is displayed.
- Type "ipconfig/all", then select Enter.
- Locate the MAC address in the Physical Address field.
- If your device is connected to your Wireless Gateway using a cable, this will be listed under Ethernet Adapter Local Area Connection.
- If your device is connected wirelessly, this will be listed under Ethernet Adapter Wireless Network Connection.
PlayStation 3
- Select Settings.
- Select System Settings.
- Locate the MAC address within System Information.
PlayStation 4
- Press Up on the D-Pad from the main screen.
- Select Settings.
- Select Network.
- Locate the MAC address within View Connection Status.
Xbox 360
- From the home menu, go to Settings.
- Select System Settings.
- Select Network Settings.
- Select Wired Network within the listed available networks.
- Select Configure Network and go to Additional Settings.
- Select Advanced Settings.
- Locate the MAC address within Alternative MAC Address.
Xbox One
- From the home menu, go to Settings.
- Select Network.
- Locate the MAC address within Advanced Settings.
What do the different indicators for devices mean?
- A grayed-out device icon means the device is not currently connected to your home network.
- A green dot indicates the device is currently connected to your home network.
- An orange dot indicates when a streaming device (e.g. gaming console or video streaming box) could have a better connection.
- Note: If you review the troubleshooting tips or dismiss them, this orange indicator will disappear but the connection may still be one you can improve.
- A pause symbol indicates the device is currently paused and cannot access your home network.
- A crescent moon symbol indicates the device is currently in Bedtime Mode and cannot access your home network.
Why isn’t one or more of my profile features (profile pause, scheduled pause, active time limits, parental controls) working on my iPhone or iPad in a profile?
When you have a duplicate device, you’ll want to remove the original device from Rogers Xfinity, and keep the duplicate device – making sure that the duplicate is named the way you want, and assigned to a user profile, so that all of your profile features work again.
How do I check for duplicate devices?
Check your profile to see if there are any disconnected iOS devices that should be connected.
If you find one, look for a duplicate of this device under Devices, in the Connect tab.
If I have a duplicate device, how do I make sure I have only one active device in Rogers Xfinity
You will need to remove the original version of the device and leave the newer version. Click here for more information on removing and adding devices in the Rogers Xfinity App.
Why did my iPhone or iPad disappear from my list of devices?
If this happens, you should reconnect your device to your in-home WiFi network.
Once you have reconnected your device to your home network, you can assign it to a user profile. Once the device is assigned to a profile, all of that profile’s features and settings (scheduled downtime, profile pause, etc.) will apply to the device.
How long does an offline device stay listed in the Devices section?
If a device disconnects from your home network and does not reconnect, it will remain listed in the Devices section for six months before automatically being removed. You can also manually remove it using the Forget Device function. See How to remove a device for instructions.
How do I remove a device from the Devices section?
First, make sure the device is not currently connected to your home network. Select the name of the device either from the Devices section or from the profile where the device is assigned. Select Device Details, and then Forget Device. This will remove the device from the Devices section and unassign it from the profile it was associated with, if applicable. It will also permanently delete all historical network activity for this device. If the device reconnects to your home network, it will appear as a new device.
How do I un-pause a device?
If the device is individually paused, select the paused device in the Devices section and then Unpause Device.
If the device is paused as part of a profile, select that profile, and then Unpause All Devices.
If the device is paused by Bedtime Mode, select the profile where the device is assigned, and then Wake Up. Note: This will unpause ALL devices assigned to the profile until the next scheduled bedtime.
Why is a device that has been paused still able to access WiFi?
Pausing a device may not immediately disrupt activity already in progress on that device. Also, the pause function only pauses WiFi access on your home network and does not impact access using cellular data.
Note: The pause function does not block connectivity to devices on a local network (e.g., a network printer); it only prevents external connections (e.g., browsing and streaming).
I'm having issues connecting to my home WiFi network. How can I check my device's connection?
Make sure the device is not assigned to a profile that has all devices paused or assigned to a profile that is in Bedtime Mode which pauses WiFi access during scheduled times. You can troubleshoot a connection issue for a specific device by going to the More section and selecting Troubleshoot a Device under Tools.
Note: If you have Rogers Xfinity WiFi Boost Pods (Gen 1) (formerly known as Ignite WiFi Pods) on your account, 'Troubleshoot a Device' is not currently an available feature.
Additional Rogers Xfinity FAQ topics
Learn more about Rogers Xfinity with additional insight to commonly asked questions around these topics:
- Rogers Xfinity FAQs
- Rogers Xfinity FAQ - Profiles
- Rogers Xfinity FAQ - Smart home controls
- Rogers Xfinity FAQ - Parental Controls
- Rogers Xfinity FAQ - Downtime Scheduler
- Rogers Xfinity FAQ - Network Activity
- Rogers Xfinity FAQ - Active Time Limits
- Rogers Xfinity FAQ - Protected Browsing
- Rogers Xfinity FAQ - Advanced Settings
- Rogers Xfinity FAQ - Notifications