
How to turn on bridge mode on your Rogers Xfinity Gateway


You may need to turn bridge mode on or off on the Rogers XfinityGateway if you’re adding or removing a third-party router. Bridge mode turns off the router functionality of the modem (including built-in WiFi), and is often used to allow a second networking device (i.e. a third-party WiFi router) to pull a public IP address when plugged into the modem. 

Learn how to enable or disable bridge mode on the Rogers Xfinity Gateway modem when using a third-party router. 

Note: If you have home phone service through your Rogers Xfinity Gateway, make sure to power cycle the Gateway by unplugging it for 10 seconds after enabling or disabling bridge mode, then check to ensure you have a dial tone.

Getting started

Before putting your modem in bridge mode, please note the following:  

  • When using bridge mode, you won’t be able to access the Rogers Xfinity app. 

  • Putting this modem into bridge mode will disable any Rogers Xfinity WiFi Boost Pods in use. 

  • If you’re a bundle customer and Rogers Xfinity TV is connected to the modem via WiFi, bridging your modem will disconnect any WiFi-connected devices and cause issues with your Rogers Xfinity TV service.  

  • Note: While this is not a guaranteed solution, we suggest you only turn off the WiFi on your Rogers modem and place your third-party solution into access point/bridge mode instead. 

  • If your internet stops working when the modem is bridged, check the top of your modem for a solid white light. If you see this, try rebooting your third-party WiFi network solution and making sure it’s still connected to the gateway first. 

  • The Admin Tool is still accessible on the Gateway at while bridge mode is enabled. 

  • With bridge mode enabled, one (1) Ethernet port will be active on your modem (either port will work—whichever a device is plugged in to). 

  • A factory reset of your Gateway modem will turn the WiFi router back on and disable bridge mode. This is because it resets the modem back to its default settings. 


How to enable or disable bridge mode

  1. On your computer or device, open an internet browser. 

  1. Enter in the address bar and hitEnter. 

  1. Sign in with the following credentials: 

  • Username: Admin 

  • Password: The default is password but you’ll have been asked to change it on your first sign-in. 

  1. Select Gateway. 

  1. Select At a Glance. 

  1. Next to Bridge Mode: 

  • Select Enable to bridge the modem 

  • Select Disable to turn bridging off. 

  1. A pop-up message will display to confirm enabling or disabling bridge mode. Click OK to confirm. 

  1. The changes will take about 90 seconds to apply. 

  1. Once complete, the page will reload and indicate that bridge mode is either enabled or disabled.