
Set up Internet Connection for Novatel Merlin X950D

The following steps explain how to setup an internet connection with the Novatel Merlin X950D.

  1. Right click on the Mobilink Lite icon on the system tray in the bottom right corner of your screen.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click Profile Manager.
  4. Click New.
  5. Enter the following information:
    • Profile Name: Type in a Profile Name of your choice (e.g..: Rogers)
    • APN: internet.com
    • PDP Type: IP
  6. Click Next.
  7. Enter the following:
    • Username: wapuser1
    • Password: wap
    • Confirm password: wap
  8. Click Finish.
  9. Choose your new profile as the default one and then connect.