Otherwise known as 'Click to Add', My Shaw now lets you order and subscribe to select channels right from our My Shaw website and My Shaw app. Just sign into your account, find the channel you want to subscribe to and get ready to view it in 10 minutes!
How to order channels with My Shaw
Available channels
Order channels straight from your My Shaw and receive access to their On Demand content too!
Whether it's that package you've had your eye on like Crave or STARZ, or that On Demand content that caught your attention, like Anime On Demand, customize your viewing experience in just a few clicks. You can even add that channel you've been waiting to test out, like WWE Network - don't worry, you can still customize your Parental Controls on your TV Box!
You can scroll through the available channels using My Shaw.
For Rogers Xfinity TV (formerly BlueCurve TV) customers, you can order channels quickly through your cable box, see How to order channels from Rogers Xfinity TV.
How to order on My Shaw
Order on My Shaw web
Order channels through your My Shaw account with our My Shaw website.
- Sign into your My Shaw
- Select My Services and go to Channel Add-ons
- This will lead you to the Channel Add-on Screen
- Click Subscribe to order the channel.
- A confirmation prompt is displayed including the channel description, price, and 30-day minimum subscription period.
- Click Subscribe again to confirm and order the channel.
- The channel has now been subscribed to and will appear on their TV screen within 10 minutes.
Order channels with the MyShaw app
To order your TV channels through your MyShaw app.
- Sign into your My Shaw
- Scroll down to Channel Add-ons
- This will lead you to the Channel Add-on Screen. Prices depend on package/theme pack/individual channel chosen. Please also see this screen for channel-specific price information.
- Click on the channel to Subscribe.
- Select Subscribe.
- A confirmation prompt is displayed including the channel description, price, and 30-day minimum subscription period.
- Click Subscribe again to confirm and order the channel.
- The channel has now been subscribed to and will appear on their TV screen within 10 minutes.
How to Unsubscribe on My Shaw
Unsubscribe on My Shaw web
Unsubscribe to additional channels through your My Shaw account with our My Shaw website.
- Sign into your My Shaw
- Select My Services and go to Channel Add-ons
- This will lead you to the Channel Add-on Screen.
- Click Unsubscribe to unsubscribe from the channel.
- All channels must be subscribed to for at least 30 days before unsubscribing.
- You will receive a warning if the channel is not available for unsubscription.
- There can only be one subscribe request applied to your account at a time.
- You will receive a notice to try again in a few minutes if you are unsubscribing to more than one (1) channel subsequently.
- A confirmation prompt for your unsubscribe request is displayed.
- Click Close when you are ready.
- The channel has now been unsubscribed to and will be removed from your TV within 10 minutes.
Unsubscribe from channels with the MyShaw app
Unsubscribe to additional channels through your MyShaw App.
- Sign into your My Shaw
- Scroll down to Channel Add-ons
- Click on the channel to Unsubscribe.
- All channels must be subscribed to for at least 30 days before unsubscribing.
- You will receive a warning if the channel is not available for unsubscription.
- There can only be one subscribe request applied to your account at a time.
- You will receive a notice to try again in a few minutes if you are unsubscribing to more than one (1) channel subsequently.
- All channels must be subscribed to for at least 30 days before unsubscribing.
- There can only be one subscribe request applied to your account at a time.
- You will receive a notice to try again in a few minutes if you are unsubscribing to more than one (1) channel subsequently.
- Select Unsubscribe.
- A confirmation prompt for your unsubscribe request is displayed.
- Click Close when you are ready.
- The channel has now been subscribed to and will appear on their TV screen within 10 minutes.
Billing Changes
- When ordering, the regular price of a channel will be quoted, and if accepted, will be the charge shown on your bill.
- After ordering, charges will appear on your bill starting in your next billing cycle.
- After unsubscribing, charges will appear on your next bill relating to the removal date of the channel.
- You will only be charged for the time during your billing cycle when this channel is active in your programming.
- Charges will continue as a monthly recurring fee for as long as you stay subscribed to the channel(s).
- If you want to unsubscribe from a channel in your regular programming (not additional), please contact us for assistance.