
Online eBill FAQ

Get answers about how long it takes to receive your eBill, how to save or print your bill with My Shaw or the My Shaw app, and more.

Note: Starting February 1, 2024, the entity issuing this invoice and its associated business numbers have changed. But don't worry, no action is needed from you. You can simply find all the details on your invoice, effective February 1, 2024.

General Billing

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Monthly billing is going paperless. This means you’ll no longer receive a paper invoice from us in the mail. To make sure you continue to receive your bill create a Shaw ID to access My Shaw today. Once registered, you’ll receive an email every month when your eBill is ready. You will also have convenient access to your billing history, account balance, and more.

Check out the different transactions you can complete quickly and easily using My Shaw: View article

What is eBill?

Online billing with eBill has many convenient features:

  • Receive an email notification as soon as your monthly bill is available online.
  • Save or print a PDF version of your bill that includes all your billing details.
  • View up to 24 months of bill history and 24 months of payment history.
  • See your current account balance.
  • Review a summary of all your extra charges, usage and credits.
  • Download your bill details to a spreadsheet to further analyze your usage.
  • Reduce clutter and paper waste.

You can access your eBills through your My Shaw account online or through the My Shaw app.

Don't have the app? Get it from your device's app store:

Is the eBill exactly the same as the paper bill?

Yes. The online eBill contains all the same details you would find on a paper bill. With online billing, you can download the PDF version of your bill and view all your bill details at your convenience.

How do I know when my eBill is ready?

You will receive an email notifying you that your monthly bill is ready to be viewed online. We will typically send you this bill notification email within 8 business days of your invoice date.

What is my invoice date?

Your invoice date is the recurring monthly date on which you are billed. Your invoice date is found on your bill in the top-left.

Check out where you can find your invoice date, as well as more info about each section of your bill: View article

What is my billing cycle?

Your billing cycle is the recurring monthly time period during which you are charged for your Rogers services. It runs for one month, starting and ending on your monthly invoice date.

Billing How-To's

How do I switch from paper billing to eBill?

If you want to subscribe to eBill but don't yet have a My Shaw account, the first step is to register for one. Find everything you need to register here: View article

Once you're registered for My Shaw, follow these steps to subscribe to eBill: View article

How do I view my eBill online or via the My Shaw app?

You can view your latest bill through your My Shaw account online, or the My Shaw app.

View bill online:

  1. Sign in to My Shaw.
  2. Select My Bills from the home screen.
  3. Click the View my bill button

View bill in the app:

  1. Open the app and sign in.
  2. Tap View Bill.
  3. If you don't see View Bill on your My Shaw home screen, sign in to your account by tapping the icon and selecting Sign In. Once you are signed in, tap View Bill from the home screen.

Don't have the My Shaw app? Get it from your device's app store:

How do I view previous bills online or in the My Shaw app?

With online eBill, you can access up to 24 months of your billing history.

View bills online:

  1. Sign in to My Shaw.
  2. Select My Bills from the home screen.
  3. Scroll down to Account history
  4. Select a bill under Bill history to view your previous bills.

View bills in the My Shaw app:

  1. Open the app and sign in.
  2. Tap Billing in the bottom menu.
  3. Tap Previous Bills.
  4. Tap the date of any bill to open it.

How do I save and/or print my online bill (PDF)?

Check out how to access printer-friendly PDF versions of your bill: View article

How do I look up my current account balance?

With eBill, it's easy to stay up-to-date on your account balance.

View account balance online:

  1. Sign in to My Shaw.
  2. You will see your account balance on the home page.

View account balance in the My Shaw app:

  1. Open the app and sign in.
  2. You will see your account balance on the home screen.

Note: Your account balance may differ from the total due on your last bill. Your account balance includes any payments, credits or adjustments made on your account since your last bill, while the total due on your last bill shows the balance owing as of your last bill date.

After making a payment, your balance will update once the payment has been processed (up to 48 hours).

How do I receive a paper version of my bill?

By going paperless, we're taking a simple step towards making a greater difference for our environment by reducing waste and saving trees. If you are 65 years or older, do not have internet or a wireless data plan, or have accessibility needs, please contact us to have paper bills mailed to you.

Need to pay your bill?

Check out all the ways you can pay your Rogers bill online: View article

Billing Issues

Why haven't I received an email notification that my eBill is ready?

You may not be receiving bill notification emails from us for the following reasons:

  1. Your email provider has marked the email as spam or junk.

    Log in to your email application and check your Spam or Junk folder for the bill notification email. Make sure to mark the email as "Not spam" so that you'll receive future bill notifications in your inbox.

  2. Your monthly bill isn't ready yet.

    Your monthly bill is usually available online 8 business days after the end of your billing period. As soon as your bill is available online, you'll receive an email notifying you that your bill is ready to view.

    Note: If you're subscribed to paper billing, you won't receive an email notification about your bill.

  3. You have email filtering rules.

    Check your email settings to ensure that emails titled "Your Shaw Bill is now Available" or emails sent from our online billing email address do_not_reply@sjrb.ca, aren't being blocked.

  4. You recently changed your email address but haven't yet updated your My Shaw profile.

    To get bill notification emails from us, update your email address. Here's how:

    1. From a web browser, sign in to My Shaw
    2. Under My Profile, select Edit profile.
    3. Within My contact information, select Edit beside your email.
    4. Update your email address and select Save changes.


What should I do if I don't receive my latest bill?

You will receive an email notification when your new bill is ready to view online. This is usually 8 business days after your bill date. Is your bill ready yet? You can find your invoice date in the top section of your online or paper bills. If you aren't receiving bill notification emails from us, see the email troubleshooting steps above.


I made a change to my account but don't see it reflected on my bill?

You may have made this change after your current bill was printed or made available online. You will see this change on your next bill.