
Take a picture or video clip when motion is sensed

Below you’ll find steps for creating a rule in the Smart Home app so that a picture or video clip is taken whenever your Day/Night Camera senses motion.

Before you begin: To avoid conflicts and to make sure a rule you create triggers properly, we recommend that you create only one rule per camera.

  1. Sign into the Smart Home app using your MyRogers username and password.
  2. From the main menu, select Automation.
  3. Select the + icon at the top of the screen.
  4. From the Rules tab, select Create Custom.
  5. Under When this happens, tap Select Event.
  6. Select Motion Sensors > Continue.
  7. Select the camera you’re creating the rule for, then select Continue.
  8. Select the Motion option, then select Add. You’ll be returned to the rule creation screen
  9. Under Do this, tap Select Event.
  10. Select Cameras > Continue.
  11. Select the camera you chose in step 7, then select Continue. Note: You won’t see this step if you only have one camera installed.
  12. Choose the action you want the camera(s) to take when the rule is activated by its motion sensor: Take Picture or Take Video Clip. Select Continue. You’ll be returned to the rule creation screen. Good to know: the camera takes 5 pictures at a time and video clips are 15 seconds in length.
  13. Next, select Add notification.
  14. Select Send to Contact(s), then check the box(es) for the contact(s) who will receive the captured picture or video clip notification. For more on how to manage contacts visit Using the Smart Home Monitoring App. While there’s an option for No notification, you need someplace to send the picture/video for this rule type.
  15. Select You’ll be returned to the rule creation screen, where your notification contact(s) will now be listed.
  16. To customize this rule name, select the pencil icon next to My Rule.
  17. Enter a new rule name and select Save. You’ll be returned to the rule creation screen.
  18. Finalize the new rule by selecting Save. You’ll now see the new rule at the top of the My Rules list.