
Citadel Botnet

Malicious software called Citadel is targeting customers of many Canadian and international companies - including Rogers.

The software is designed to steal personal information, like banking and financial details, from its victims.

How computers become infected

Computers can become infected with malware like Citadel by interacting with a malicious website advertisement, email attachment or by downloading malicious software. These are often hidden or mislabelled and you may not be aware that you have interacted with malicious software at all.

Once infected, it can be difficult to tell that anything is out of the ordinary with your computer.

How Citatel can steal your information

Once your computer is infected, Citadel can create authentic-looking, but fake, data entry or login forms for the websites you visit that request your personal information.

The software also contains keystroke logging, screenshot and video capture tools which are active at all times while you’re using your computer.

An example of the fake forms

This is an example of what the Citadel form may look like. If you receive a pop-up that looks like this while you are visiting Rogers.com, you may have the Citadel Botnet.support-citadel-botnetfake form

I think my computer is infected. How can I fix it?

You can download and run the Rogers Online Protection basic package (free to download). Visit Rogers Online Protection and choose the level of protection that best meets your needs. If you don’t have Rogers internet, it is recommended that you use an anti-virus software to clean the affected computer.

If you have entered your data into a form like the example above, you should take steps to protect your identity. The Canadian government provides a helpful checklist of what you should do in the case of identity theft.

See the identity theft checklist.