
FAQs about Spamming

What’s spam?

Spam is unwanted “junk” emails containing unsolicited advertising. Spam not only can be annoying and offensive but is also often used as a delivery mechanism for malware. Your computer or device could be infected, resulting in it sending out spam emails against your will.

What is the impact of spam delivered from my computer or device?

Spam emails are potentially infected with viruses, spyware, Trojans, rootkits and more. If your computer or device sends out spam emails, users who open the messages and/or click the virus-carrying attachments could have their device infected as well.

What do I do if my computer or device is infected and sending spam?

Here are ways you can treat and avoid infections:

  • Perform a thorough virus and malware scan on your device using downloadable applications like the Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool.
  • If you have anti-virus and -malware software installed, make sure you’re always updated with the latest version.
  • Keep your browsers and operating system up to date. Software patches and updates protect your system and personal information.
  • Change your email password and make sure your new one is complex and impossible to guess.
  • Do not download attachments or click links from unfamiliar or suspicious email addresses. This is one of the most common vectors for all forms of malware.
  • If you’ve completed the above but your device is still acting strangely, bring it to a third-party computer repair technician to solve the problem.