
Full Self-ConnectGuide: Changing your wireless name (SSID) and WiFi password

Learn how to change the name and/or password of your wireless network. The name of your wireless network, known as the SSID, is used to identify your network apart from other wireless networks that are in range of your device. To change the name of the wireless network (SSID) on your Shaw Wireless Modem, you will need to log into the admin console which will allow you to configure various settings related to your wireless network.

Did you know?
SSID stands for Service Set Identifier and consists of a sequence of characters that uniquely names a wireless local area network (WLAN). SSID is also known as your “network name” or your “wireless network name.

Getting started

Prior to changing your wireless network name or password, you will need to:

Step 1: Connect your computer directly to the Shaw Wireless Modem with an Ethernet cable. For more information on how to do this, please see: Directly Connecting Your Computer and Modem. Alternatively, you can connect your computer to the default wireless network (SSID). The default network name (SSID) and passphrase can be found on a sticker on the front or bottom of the modem.

Step 2: Identify the brand of your WiFi Modem and follow the steps specific to the brand.

Rogers Xfinity Gateway (mobile)

Follow these steps to change the wireless network name and/or network password of your Rogers Xfinity Gateway on your mobile device.

  1. Open the Rogers Xfinity App (formerly known as Ignite HomeConnect App)
  2. Select Connect.
  3. Select See Network.
  4. Press the pencil icon on the top right corner.
  5. Select WiFi Name or WiFi Password to change them.
  6. Once you're done, select Apply Changes, and you're all set.

Note: After making changes, you may need to choose your new network name or enter your new password on previously connected devices.

Rogers Xfinity Gateway (desktop)

Follow these steps to change the wireless network name and/or network password of your Rogers Xfinity Gateway on your desktop computer.

  1. Open Rogers Xfinity app(web portal).
  2. Select Connect.
  3. Select See Network.
  4. Select Edit WiFi.
  5. Select WiFi Name or WiFi Password to change them.
  6. Once you're done, select Apply Changes, and you're all set!

Note: After making changes, you may need to choose your new network name or enter your new password on previously connected devices.

Hitron CGNM-2250 Advanced WiFi Modem

Follow these steps to change the wireless network name and/or network password of your Hitron Advanced WiFi modem.

  1. Enter into the address bar of your Internet browser.
  2. Log in to the modem with the following information:
    • Username: cusadmin
    • Password: Your WiFi Password can be located on the back or bottom of your WiFi modem.
  3. Select Manage Wireless from the on-screen options.
  4. Select either 2.4G or 5G for the network name you would like to adjust.
  5. Enter the new Network Name (SSID) in the field on the right side of the screen (highlighted below).
  6. If you would like to change your password, enter the new password in the Pass phrase field.
  7. Select Save Changes to finish and allow your modem a minute to restart.
  8. After changes have been made, you will need to reconnect any WiFi devices using the new network name and/or password.

Arris SBG6782 Advanced WiFi Modem

Follow these steps to change the wireless network name and/or network password on your Arris Advanced WiFi modem.

  1. Navigate to in your Internet browser.
  2. Log in to the modem with the following information:
    • Username: cusadmin
    • Password: Your WiFi Password can be located on the back or bottom of your WiFi modem.
  3. Select Manage Wi-Fi Network from the Quick Start Wizard.
  4. Select either 2.4G or 5G for the network name/password you would like to adjust.
  5. Next to Network Name (SSID), you can enter in your preferred WiFi network name.
  6. If you would like to change your password, enter the new password in the Passphrase field.
  7. Select Apply to save your change.
  8. After changes have been made, you will need to reconnect any WiFi devices using the new network name and/or password.

Cisco WiFi Modem

Follow these instructions to change the wireless network name and/or network password of your Cisco WiFi modem.

  1. Visit the Admin Console by visiting in your Internet browser.
  2. Log in with the following information:
    • Username: cusadmin
    • Password: You can find this password printed on the white sticker on your Shaw Wireless Modem (Cisco), referred to as the S/N (usually a 9-digit number starting with 2xxxxxxxx).
  3. Select the Setup tab at the top of the page.
  4. Choose the Quick Setup tab.
  5. The field next to Wireless Network Name (SSID) is the current name of your wireless network. To change this, delete the contents of the current field and enter your desired network name.
  6. If you would like to change your password, enter the new password in the Pre-Shared Key field.
  7. Select Save Settings.
  8. After changes have been made, you will need to reconnect any WiFi devices using the new network name and/or password.