
Shows available on Rogers On Demand

When TV shows available on Rogers On Demand?

At Rogers, we are working hard to ensure new shows are posted consistently 48 hours after they have aired by the broadcaster. There are exceptional situations which can cause delay, but our goal is to always have the latest shows available to you within 48 hours.

My favourite TV show is not currently available On Demand. Who decides what shows you get for Rogers On Demand?

We work with our broadcasting partners to try and bring the best shows to Rogers On Demand. We are only able to provide the shows which the broadcasters make available to us.

There are only a certain amount of shows available. Will more categories of shows be added soon?

We are always adding more new entertainment options to Rogers On Demand. We appreciate hearing what types of programs customers want to see more of or believe would make a positive addition to what is available now. Feel free to post your suggestions in the Community Forums.