
I received a notification that you’ll be enhancing your network in my neighbourhood. What will these updates mean for me?

Now there’s even more to be excited about, because Canada’s fastest internet* is coming to your doorstep. We’re currently laying the groundwork to ensure the Rogers fibre-powered network will more than double our current capacity in your neighbourhood, all in preparation for the infinite possibilities of today and tomorrow’s digital world.

How will this affect my service?

As part of the construction process, you will experience up to 2 planned outages on your Rogers residential services.

How long would I be without my services?

Single Family homes:

There will be 2 planned service interruptions (one during the day and another one at night) lasting up to 2 to 4 hours. However, we’ll notify you ahead of time with an automated message.

Apartment and condo buildings:

There will be 2 planned service interruptions (both during the day) lasting up to 4 to 8 hours. However, we'll notify you ahead of time with an automated message.

How are you informing me about the enhancements you’re doing?

4 weeks prior to the start of construction, we will send an automated message to the primary account holder that will notify you of the upcoming enhancements to your neighbourhood. You will also receive a door hanger if you live in a house, or a lobby notice if you are in an apartment building or condo.

When will you notify me of the service interruption?

  • 5 business days prior to your 1st scheduled outage, we will send an email or text to the primary account holder advising you of the upcoming outage.
  • 2 business days prior to your 2nd scheduled outage we will notify you by phone or text message to the primary contact number advising you of the upcoming outage.
  • On the day of the scheduled outage, we will also advise you by phone or by text message if a service interruption will be longer than expected.

Will you need access to my property to complete the enhancements?

Construction planned for this year will take place primarily on municipal property so we will not need access to yours. However, if we do, we will contact you in advance to get your permission. Rest assured, we won’t require access to the interior of your home or suite to complete our work.

Will all my services stop working while you are completing the enhancements?

Customers with Rogers TV, Internet or Home Phone: Yes, all of your services will be unavailable during the planned outages.

If you are not a Rogers customer but your network provider uses the Rogers network to provide your services, you may need to contact them to get more information on the impacts our enhancements may have. Otherwise there won't be any impacts to your service.

For Rogers Home Monitoring, security features such as alerts for motion sensors will remain active by using the cellular backup. However, during the outage, you’ll be unable to use the mobile app or online portal to control lighting, appliances, door locks and thermostats but you can control these via your touchpad. Also, during the outage, no photos or videos will be captured nor will live stream be available.

Note: If you have a non-Rogers alarm system, you may need to contact your security provider to discuss your options if your alarm requires a landline or internet connection to work.

Will Rogers repair any damages to my property caused by the network enhancement?

Yes,if there any damages to your property because of our network enhancement we will repair the damage and restore your property to its original state. Should this happen, you can contact us to report the issue.