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Got internet? Why not WiFi?

Learn how the Advantage WiFiTM feature of Rogers Business Internet can help boost your brand and your bottom line.

2 woman shopping and looking at a phone together

If you’re a Rogers Business InternetTM customer, you’re familiar with our built-in network-level security that automatically blocks malware attacks launched via phishing schemes. And if you’re a Rogers Business Internet—ProTM customer, you know how your business is safe from internet downtime thanks to the LTE wireless backup connection that seamlessly takes over should anything happen to your primary line.

Both of these features have something in common: they can be crucial to ensuring your business stays online, protecting your brand’s reputation and preventing revenue loss. In other words, both are preventative, safeguarding your business from potentially detrimental incidents; they kick in while you sit back and focus on other aspects of your business.

But it gets better because Rogers Business Internet offers yet another feature that can help you with those aspects by allowing you turn your workplace into an internet-user-friendly environment for your customers and employees.

Advantage WiFiTM is that feature, and here are three reasons you should consider adding it to your current Rogers Business Internet plan:

1. Optimize the customer experience—for them and for you

It’s difficult to imagine a type of business in which you would never see a customer checking their device. From coffee shops and car dealerships to hair salons and doctors’ offices, customers now expect businesses will be providing them WiFi.

Access to WiFi enables customers to access promotional materials online, like flyers and coupons, and allows them to research items prior to purchase, making their shopping experience more convenient for them and potentially more profitable for you. Even if your customers are just sitting waiting for an appointment, they’ll appreciate the ability check their email and surf the internet.

And if you’re concerned about guests opening your network up to cybersecurity threats, don’t be. Rogers Business Internet with Advantage WiFi separates your organization’s traffic from guest traffic to help ensure your corporate data remains safe.

2. Boost employee productivity

Like turning on a faucet or flipping on a light switch, your employees need immediate access to the internet when they’re on the job.

Waiting for screens to load files to send is a source of great frustration and lost productivity. Companies with multiple locations often require employees to log into a new network whenever they work from a different office, and this can have an incremental drain on employee productivity—not to mention the frustration factor.

Advantage WiFi eliminates this hurdle altogether, providing one log-in across locations. Ensuring your employees have seamless, dependable access to WiFi contributes to a more productive and efficient workforce.

3. We install and monitor everything for you

In case you’re worried this all sounds like too much to manage, not to worry. We install and monitor the network for you, so you can stay focused on your business, not the hardware and software behind your Advantage WiFi.

To learn more about Rogers Business Internet with Advantage WiFi, contact your Rogers account representative.