Troubleshooting: Unable to connect to the Internetopens in a new window
How to reset the Domain Name System (DNS)opens in a new window
How To: Run an Internet Speed Testopens in a new window
Troubleshooting Internet connectivity issuesopens in a new window
Restart your modem using My Shawopens in a new window
How to Run a Ping Test (Windows)opens in a new window
Troubleshooting: WiFi network name not showing up in list of networksopens in a new window
Rogers WiFi Hotspots Troubleshooting and FAQsopens in a new window
How to run a Traceroute (Mac OS)opens in a new window
About: WiFi interferenceopens in a new window
How to: Re-register your iOS device to use ShawPasspointopens in a new window
Rogers Xfinity FAQ - Devicesopens in a new window
Shaw Modem Replacementopens in a new window
Hardware Information: Hitron CGNM-2250 DOCSIS 3.0 WiFi Modemopens in a new window
Netgear N600 WiFi router - hardware informationopens in a new window
Interference and Noise Affecting the Shaw Networkopens in a new window